Sunday Service

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FBC Forest Park Radio

God speaks through music! Our incredible music team works hard every week to help us focus our hearts on God, usher us into His presence, and lead us as we worship Him! But that song in our heart does not have to stop playing on Sunday. Follow along throughout the week on FBC Forest Park Radio. Click the link below for our custom playlist.


Order of Worship

Call to Worship

We offer a song of praise celebrating who God is and all He has done!

  • House of the Lord

Welcome and Announcements 

Visit The Leaf so you can keep us with all the things to know and our Church Calendar to see all that's happening at FBC Forest Park .

Prayer of Illumination 

We invite the Holy Spirit to minister to each of us as He intercedes on our behalf, corrects and encourages us in our relationship with The Father through The Son, and illuminates God’s word in our hearts through the reading and teaching of Scripture. 

Song of Adoration and Thanksgiving

We sing songs that extol God’s grace and truth, strengthen our faith, and encourage our love for Him and others. 

  • Made for More

Reading of the Law

  • Romans 8:5
  • Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.

Confession of Sin - Song

God’s holiness exposes our corporate and individual sins. God's grace, displayed most prominently through Jesus’ death on the cross, invites us to be reunited with The Father through the regular confession of sin. Repentance is an invitation into His grace. 

  • Trust in God

Offering of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

We recognize our sins were forgiven by Christ’s death on the cross and, therefore, we are called by God to forgive others who sin against us. We offer others our forgiveness and pray for reconciled relationships.

  • Romans 8:6
  • So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

Offering of Forgiveness and Reconciliation - Song

  • Before The Throne Of God Above

Personal Prayer

We pause to pray and reflect on all God has revealed to us through worship, the reading of His word, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We prayerfully respond with courage, honesty, and obedience.

Assurance of Pardon

God declares from his Word and through his Church that all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ are forgiven of their sins.

  • Romans 7:24-25
  • Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Family Prayer

We intercede before God on behalf of our church and our community. 

Scripture Reading and Sermon

God addresses His people through the reading and preaching of His word to edify believers and exhort all people to make sense of, make much of, and make use of the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Offertory and Response 

We offer an opportunity for you to make public your decision to follow Jesus, your desire to be baptized, your interest in joining our church, or any other significant spiritual decision you have made during our service. 

We also give back to God recognizing He is the source of all things and blesses us through His providence and sovereignty. It is our honor to return our tithes and offerings to Him in recognition of His grace.

Doxology - Congregational Singing

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.



Let us know how God is working in your life.


Sermon Notes

Fans And Followers - Part 5

During this time, Jesus is fully into his earthly ministry and is gaining notoriety. The people of Jerusalem are becoming divided on who this guy is. Some say He’s a prophet and some say he’s a fraud. The party of people that despised Jesus and sought to kill him was the Pharisees. 

The Pharisees bring this woman who was caught in the act of adultery to Jesus and they ask him the “Law says we should stone her. What do you say we do?”


Understand the variables in the text.

Understand the variables:

We’ve got three main variables in this story:

  1. We have Jesus: his love and his authority.
  2. We have the woman caught in adultery: she represents people who are not right with God.
  3. We have the Pharisees: this party represents people who only have an outward appearance of godliness and are self-righteous.
  4. Lastly, we have the law: God’s command

Here is the question on the table as this passage relates to us in 2025: How are we going to apply God’s commands as it relates to how we treat those who are in sin? Are you going to be a self-righteous pharisee or are you going to be like Jesus?

Here are 4 points we can see in this text:

1.) Pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness keep us from seeing others as redeemable. 

  • The Pharisees brought up the law and twisted it for their agenda. 
  1. An example of this is when people say as an excuse to not help the needy, “God helps those who help themselves help themselves.”
  2. This saying is said nowhere in the Bible. 
  3. We need to be careful that we don’t twist scripture to suit our own opinions because it’s dangerous.
  • Back to the Pharisees, we’re gonna talk more about the law in a second, but here is the complete scripture they were referencing:
  1. “If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Leviticus 20:10
  • Last time I checked, it takes two people to commit adultery. So why did the Pharisees only bring out the woman? It was because their intent wasn’t to do God’s will. They intended to prop up and display their self-righteousness and to catch Jesus in a trap!
  • The purpose of the law was not to condemn but to reveal our need for God. It was given, though weak, to put people in right standing with God. But we see the problem of the law in Romans 3:20; we discuss this every week. The law is insufficient to bring an ultimate solution to the problem of sin. That’s why Jesus died on the cross.

2.) Jesus introduces the law of Love.

  • In Matthew 22:37-40 he says the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love your neighbor. Jesus says that all the law and the prophets depend on these two things. If you see the Greek rendering of the word depend, a literal translation would say that these two commandments “hang up” the law and prophets! 
  • The Pharisees saw the law as a tool for condemnation. In their case if being condemned is a vice, then self-righteousness is the virtue. However, the Law was meant to reveal our need for a savior. Then God in his love provides that savior as his Son Jesus who fulfills the requirements of the law we could never fulfill.
  • I know that was heady, but it’s important to discuss the dynamics of the law and the authority of Jesus in this passage.
  • Everything we do as believers is predicated on loving God and loving people!

3.) Humbly remembering our sins, helps us to love others. 

  • The death penalty during this time would commonly come in the form of being stoned to death. Meaning, people would gather rocks and throw them at a person until they died. It’s not explicitly mentioned here in the text if they were about to throw them or not. But we have some creative liberty here within what was common at this time to imagine this scene.
  • The image that most comes into my mind is the grip these guys likely had on the stones. The Pharisees were filled with hatred towards Jesus and this woman.
  • I don’t know about you, but when I’ve been angry, I can’t make a single good let alone loving decision.
  • The Pharisees were so angry at Jesus. They had the Law, but they lost sight of what the law was a shadow of. Hebrews 10:1 and Colossians 2:17 say of the law, “These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.”
  • The law wasn’t meant to push people down rather, as Christ did, lift them towards godliness which He did ultimately through is death on the cross.

  • What did Jesus draw in the sand?
  1. Any answer you hear is a guess. There are many opinions that are out there, but if you ask me, I’m gonna say “I don’t know and will never know.”
  2. But a theory that many have is that Jesus was potentially writing the sins of all those guys in the sand.
  3. Saying “Brotha, I know you ain't talking. I saw who you had in your house last week. And it wasn’t your wife.” Or “Oh yeah you, I saw when you took that money from the poor family.”
  4. So being ashamed of their own sin being made public and put on blast, made them go away. 
  5. Proving a man wrong is a great way to get him to go away.
  6. That’s a speculation but don’t miss this important point:
  • In our interactions with others, we must remember our own depravity and brokenness, and reflect on God's love for us—He died for us while we were still sinners. When we truly grasp that, it transforms the way we love others. The grace and love God shows us should be the same grace and love we extend to others. How can we not?

4.) Don’t be afraid to get in the dirt.

  • Jesus touched people and interacted with those who would have declared him to be ceremonially unclean. Jesus' behavior in this regard reveals to us the fulfillment of God’s promise in Deuteronomy 30:6
  1.  “And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring so that you will love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live”
  • Jesus shows us that he came to fix what was really broken: our hearts. 
  • His example was that a heart that God transforms, seeks to lift people out of the dirt rather than condemn them while they are in it.
  • Just as Jesus had compassion on this lady in her sin, we too should have compassion on people in their lowly estate. 

Jesus’ follower Peter comes to Jesus and ask him, “how many times shall we forgive someone? Seven times?” Jesus answers and says “Not seven times. Seven times but seventy times seven.” 

God calls us to forgive. You may realize you’re like a Pharisee or you may be like the woman caught in adultery and have made big mistakes and have been slandered by others. No matter who you are or what you did, God has extended forgiveness to you through Jesus’ death on the cross. Now just as you have been forgiven, you are to go and forgive others!

Being able to forgive others starts with living in the personal forgiveness that comes from God and is displayed in our forgiveness of other people. 

If you want to be a true follower of Jesus and not just a fan, you have to forgive like Jesus did!

I have decided 

  • I have decided to forgive others just as God forgave me.


Weekly Budget Update


Last week's giving:

  • $3,257.62

Amount needed each week to make full budget of $676,572.00 by year end:

  • $12,644.18

Total funds needed YTD:

  • $88,509.26

Total giving received YTD:

  • $36,847.93

Difference in funds needed vs funds received:

  • -$51,661.33

Percentage of giving received vs. funds needed YTD:

  • 42%

Our Faith Offering is designated giving specifically for missions over and above our normal tithes.

Last week's Faith Offering:

  • $50.00

Total Faith Offering YTD:

  • $1,90.00
