The Leaf

Things to know! Keep up with our announcements, events, volunteer needs, and other news.

What's happening at First Baptist Church Forest Park?

There's always something great happening for you and your family at FBC Forest Park. Stay up-to-date with our announcements and explore our full calendar of upcoming services and events below!


Get involved!

The church is not a building -- It's the people in the building -- and we can't do ministry without faithful volunteers! We have several immediate needs, and many more needs will arise as we continue to serve together. You can show your interest in being involved by filling out the short form below. We will reach out to you to make sure you are plugged in to the place where your skillset can shine!

Volunteer Job Descriptions

You will notice we are asking for more volunteers than each area requires. That is because we value rest as a church. We are trying to build teams in each area of need so no one is left alone with the responsibility. We do not believe "life-time assignments" are healthy, so we work hard to make sure you are not "stuck" in your volunteer role. Please know that when you sign up to help, we value you and your time. We understand you have many obligations vying for your time. Our desire is that your time spent volunteering at FBC Forest Park would be a joy and not an obligation.

Sunday Morning Opportunities

  • First Impressions Team - We need volunteers to serve as our greeting team, door holders, and information center staff. Our First Impressions Team will be responsible for making guests and others feel welcome, communicating announcements and other details, helping volunteers sign up for volunteer opportunities, connecting people with the correct Sunday school class, and assisting with online giving through the church website. You will be equipped to be the "hub of the wheel" for our church communication strategy. Volunteers will serve as a smiling face in the parking lot, a door holder for our guests, and staff our information booths. Volunteers should be positive, outgoing, and kind.

  • Children's Church Volunteers - We need 4 more volunteers to help support our children's church leaders. Children's church meets during the 10:00 service in the Kids' Room on the second floor. We need a rotating group of volunteers who will actively engage our children through a fun and exciting curriculum under the guidance of our leadership team. Our leaders will guide you to success as long as you show up with a positive attitude ready to fully participate with our children.

  • Nursery Workers - We need volunteers to join our nursery team. Volunteers will serve as part of a rotating team serving under our nursery ministry leadership. This is more than "just babysitting." Our nursery team uses media, activities and other curriculum to intentionally invest in the youngest members of our church family.

Wednesday Night Opportunities

  • Crew Guides - We need 3-6 more volunteers to serve as "Crew Guides" for our Wednesday night Children's ministry. Crew Guides require little to no preparation. You are simply asked to fully participate with our children (either Pre-K or elementary school) as you guide them from station to station throughout our Wednesday night program.

  • Kids' Bible Study Leaders - We need 2-4 more volunteers to lead the Bible study for our children's ministry on Wednesday nights. Each session is 100% scripted so you don't have to worry about what to do. The Bible Study is supplemented with videos, posters, stickers, and small group discussion. If you can follow a script and be engaging in front of children then you are perfectly qualified to be a Bible Study Leader!

  • Kids' Arts and Crafts Leaders - We need 2 more volunteers to lead the hands-on portions of our children's ministry on Wednesday nights. This team is responsible for implementing the opening activity at the tables in the Fellowship Hall while we eat and facilitating the "apply it" activity in the kids' room and/or nursery after the Bible study time. Each activity is 100% scripted so you don't have to worry about what to do. You are simply responsible for obtaining the required materials and explaining how each activity works. There are different activities for Pre-K and elementary school.

  • Recreation Team - We are looking for 2-4 more volunteers to coordinate our recreation time on Wednesday Nights. This team is responsible for two 15-20 minute game times in the gym. One game time will be for our Pre-K children and one game time will be for our elementary school children. This portion of our Wednesday night is not part of the curriculum so this team will have to create their own recreation program.

  • Meal Team - We are looking for 3 more volunteers to serve on a rotating team to help prepare very simple Wednesday night meals for our Children's and Youth Ministries. We will begin each Wednesday night in the Fellowship Hall with food and a simple table-top activity for the kids. Examples of the simple meals are: Hot dogs and chips, chicken nuggets and fries, ham and cheese crackers, nachos and a fruit cup. Our desire is to keep this simple so it doesn't become over- whelming and distracting from the ministry and relationships.

Sign up to volunteer here...


Weekly Schedule


  • Worship - 10:00am
  • Children's Church - Children leave the sanctuary after the children's sermon and go to the Kids' Room for Children's Church.


  • Children's Ministry - 6:00pm-7:45pm
  • Youth Ministry - 6:00pm-7:45pm
  • Adult Ministry - 6:00pm-7:45pm


Office Hours

  • Monday: 10:00 - 3:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 3:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 3:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 3:00
  • Friday: Church Office Closed
  • Saturday: Church Office Closed
  • Sunday: Church Office Closed


Sign up for announcements

How to sign up
  • Step 1: Text "join" to (833) 996-3411 to sign up to have our announcements sent to you.
  • Step 2: You will receive an immediate confirmation.
  • Step 3: Reply back with your first and last name so we can complete our records.
  • This communication service allows us to send you text messages and voicemails.
  • We promise not to over-use this service. We don't like spam either!


Church Calendar